Soldiers of the Brigade en route to Arromanches Soldiers of the Brigade en route to Arromanches Soldiers of the Brigade en route to Arromanches Soldiers of the Brigade relaxing in the Sun, en route to Arromanches A Daimler armoured car is unloaded



Belgian soldiers dug-in within the 6th Airborne Division's lines A 3" mortar team in action

The Orne Bridgehead


Belgian sappers removing mines on the road to Cabourg Belgian sappers removing mines on the road to Cabourg The first prisoners captured by the Brigade's troops Belgian motorcyclists and armoured cars pass through a ruined French village Belgian troops crossing the River Dives at Cabourg

Belgian troops crossing the River Dives at Cabourg Belgian vehicles crossing the River Dives Belgian soldiers pass through Dives-sur-Mer The 1st Belgian Brigade passes through Houlgate



The 1st Belgian Brigade in the vicinity of Villers-sur-Mer

River Touques


Major de Selliers on the road to Pont L'Eveque

Pont L'Eveque


The 1st Belgium Brigade passes through Honfleur The residents of Honfleur give their Belgian liberators an enthusiastic reception Belgian troops mix with the locals in Honfleur Belgian troops pass through Honfleur Belgians Jeeps parked in Honfleur
